Project Description
Rolls Royce identified the need for an additional Gas connection off their existing Mdpe Gas Main from their Derby Hq. The job needed to be done without cutting the main gas feed to their buildings, so we used a process that we call a “Rider”.
Our Gas Safe engineers start by making two small fusion weld connections on the MDPE. This is before and after the area where our engineers will install the new T section.
A temporary pipe is fitted to these new connections to act as a bypass while the gas main is clamped. The clamp restricts the gas flow through the MDPE pipe, enabling us to cut the line and install the new T section creating the new gas terminal.
Using this process, we can install a new section to a live Gas main without cutting or disrupting the buildings’ gas flow.
Project Details
Project : Additional Gas Connection
Services Required: Manufacture, Fusion Welding, Installation, Project Management
Customer: Rolls Royce