In the new headquarters, we have a 5 tonne overhead crane that hasn’t had much use. But, as our workload has grown, we think the crane could help optimise the workshop flow.
We wanted to get our workshop based engineers trained up to use the crane safely and efficiently. So we turned to PLT Training Limited to provide us with some accredited Overhead Crane training.
PLT Training Limited is a multi accredited Health & Safety training provider. Based in Wolverhampton, they have been delivering training to the industry since 2000. PLT provide on-site training in the industrial, construction, utilities, port and many more sectors.
PLT’s course is in two sections, practical and theory.
- HASWA 1974
- Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
- Slinging equipment and defects
- Lifting equipment and defects
- Advanced lifting procedures
- Safe use of D Shackles and Eyebolts
- Safe working loads for Crane and Lifting gear
- Slinging and lifting techniques
- Use of slings and equipment at different angles
- Pre-use checks for crane and lifting gear
- Banksman duties
- Hand signals
- Operator’s safety code
- Introduction to the crane
- Pre-use checks
- Crane operations
- Basic slinging techniques
- Practice
- Practical assessment
The course was completed over two weeks, with two separate groups.
Our workshop engineers can now operate the Overhead Crane in the safest manner possible.
Thanks to PLT Training for their excellent course and on-site training.